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001172_ccprl@xdm001.c…ranfield.ac.uk _Mon May 24 12:32:09 1993.msg
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Cc: ccprl@xdm001.ccc.cranfield.ac.uk
Subject: DECwrite -> HTML PERL script
Reply-To: p.lister@cranfield.ac.uk
Date: Mon, 24 May 93 11:53:12 BST
From: "Peter Lister, Cranfield Computer Centre" <ccprl@xdm001.ccc.cranfield.ac.uk>
I have written a crude but effective script which takes SGML output
from DECwrite and groks it into HTML. It's a first pass, and not
comprehensive, but it has got a few existing DECwrite docs into WWW OK.
The easy stuff is just direct translation, but because DECwrite handles
nested lists different to HTML, there's a lot of code devoted to them.
I've also got it to put footnotes at the bottom of the page, and
rebuild a table of contents. DECwrite SGML, would you believe, outputs
the page refs in a TOC as the actual page numbers as per A4 paper. :-(
The script is at http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/test/decw2html
If any DECwriters out there try it, do let me know. Ta.
Peter Lister p.lister@cranfield.ac.uk
Computer Centre,
Cranfield Institute of Technology, Voice: +44 234 754200 ext 2828
Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL England Fax: +44 234 750875